Quirk Gallery
Charlottesville, VA
Photo Credit: Meredith Coe

Dairy Market
Charlottesville, VA

Kips Bay Show House, New York, NY
Matthew Monroe Bees (Designer)
Photo Credit: Sarah M. Winchester (AD)

Photo Credit: Nicola Bathie

Boar’s Head Resort
Charlottesville, VA

New City Arts Initiative
Welcome Gallery
Charlottesville, VA

Designer: LuAnn McCants Interiors

The Farm at Cape Kidnappers
Hawke's Bay, New Zealand

The Owner’s Cottage at Cape Kidnappers
Hawke's Bay, New Zealand

Sullivan’s Island, SC
Designer: Jenny Keenan Design
Photo Credit: Julia Lynn

Designer: Courtney Bishop Design
Photo Credit: Katie Charlotte

Artist's Studio
Alexandria, VA

Angie Newman Johnson Gallery
Alexandria, VA

The Farm at Cape Kidnappers
Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Alexandria, VA
Photo Credit: Sydney Maxwell

Blenheim Vineyards
Charlottesville, VA

Blenheim Vineyards
Charlottesville, VA

Serena & Lily
“Jamieson” Showroom

Davis Gallery
Hobart & William Smith Colleges
Geneva, NY

Davis Gallery
Hobart & William Smith Colleges
Geneva, NY

Angie Newman Johnson Gallery
Alexandria, VA

Angie Newman Johnson Gallery
Alexandria, VA

Charlottesville, VA

Angie Newman Johnson Gallery
Alexandria, VA

New York, NY

Angie Newman Johnson Gallery
Alexandria, VA

Rowayton, CT
Phillips DeVeer Interiors (Designer)

Angie Newman Johnson Gallery
Alexandria, VA

One Jackson Square, NYC
S.R. Gambrel (Designer)

One Jackson Square, NYC
S.R. Gambrel (Designer)

Angie Newman Johnson Gallery
Alexandria, VA

Wilson Point, CT

Alexandria, VA

Angie Newman Johnson Gallery
Alexandria, VA

New York, NY

Colthurst Gallery
Charlottesville, VA

Dairy Market, Brick Cellar Entrance
Charlottesville, VA

Quirk Gallery
Charlottesville, VA
Photo Credit: Meredith Coe
Dairy Market
Charlottesville, VA
Kips Bay Show House, New York, NY
Matthew Monroe Bees (Designer)
Photo Credit: Sarah M. Winchester (AD)
Photo Credit: Nicola Bathie
Boar’s Head Resort
Charlottesville, VA
New City Arts Initiative
Welcome Gallery
Charlottesville, VA
Designer: LuAnn McCants Interiors
The Farm at Cape Kidnappers
Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
The Owner’s Cottage at Cape Kidnappers
Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Sullivan’s Island, SC
Designer: Jenny Keenan Design
Photo Credit: Julia Lynn
Designer: Courtney Bishop Design
Photo Credit: Katie Charlotte
Artist's Studio
Alexandria, VA
Angie Newman Johnson Gallery
Alexandria, VA
The Farm at Cape Kidnappers
Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Alexandria, VA
Photo Credit: Sydney Maxwell
Blenheim Vineyards
Charlottesville, VA
Blenheim Vineyards
Charlottesville, VA
Serena & Lily
“Jamieson” Showroom
Davis Gallery
Hobart & William Smith Colleges
Geneva, NY
Davis Gallery
Hobart & William Smith Colleges
Geneva, NY
Angie Newman Johnson Gallery
Alexandria, VA
Angie Newman Johnson Gallery
Alexandria, VA
Charlottesville, VA
Angie Newman Johnson Gallery
Alexandria, VA
New York, NY
Angie Newman Johnson Gallery
Alexandria, VA
Rowayton, CT
Phillips DeVeer Interiors (Designer)
Angie Newman Johnson Gallery
Alexandria, VA
One Jackson Square, NYC
S.R. Gambrel (Designer)
One Jackson Square, NYC
S.R. Gambrel (Designer)
Angie Newman Johnson Gallery
Alexandria, VA
Wilson Point, CT
Alexandria, VA
Angie Newman Johnson Gallery
Alexandria, VA
New York, NY
Colthurst Gallery
Charlottesville, VA
Dairy Market, Brick Cellar Entrance
Charlottesville, VA